다발성 신품종 느타리 ‘다굴’의 육성 및 자실체 특성
Characteristics and breeding of a new multi-generation oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) variety ‘Dagul’
(Received September 11, 2013 / Revised September 16, 2013 / Accepted September 27, 2013)
To develop a new variety of oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus), parental strains was selected bythe method of Mon-Mon crossing between monokaryotic strains derived from ASI 2596(Suhan No.3) and ASI2782(Black pileus mutant). The SB-73(ASI 2596-11 x 2782-8) was shown the best cultural characteristics, selectedto be a new variety and named as ‘Dagul’. The ‘Dagul’ was formed incompatibility line distinctly in the confrontationgrowth of parental strains Suhan No.3 and ASI 2782. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth,fruiting body development and pH arrange were 25~30℃, 14~17℃ and pH5~8, respectively. Fruiting body productionper bottle was about 68.0±24.1 g which is almost 115% quantity compared to that of other variety SuhanNo.3. And also the stipe is long and individual generation is multiple. Analysis of the genetic characteristics of thenew variety ‘Dagul’ showed different DNA bands as that of the control strains, Suhan No.3 and ASI 2782, whenRAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) primers URP7 and Rcb1 were used. This new variety 'Dagul' of oystermushroom is characterized by multiple of individual generation and the stipe is long. We therefore expect thatthis new strain will increase of the income by cultivation of field.
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12.Chang, S. T., Buswell, J. A. and Chiu, S. W. 1993. Mushroom biology and mushroom products. Chinese University Press, Hong Kong.
13.Chang, S. T. and Quimo, T. H. 1982. Tropical mushrooms. The Chinese Press, Hong Kong.
14.Gharehaghaji, A. N., Goltapeh, E. M., Masiha, S. and Gordan, H. R. 2007. Hybrid production of oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq: Fries) Kummer. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 10 : 2334-2340.
15.Lee, B-J., Kim, Y-G., Kim, H-K., Yang, E-S. and Lim, Y-P. 2010. Studies on the development of mushroom media for bottle culture in new Pleurotus ostreatus 'Miso'. J. Mushroom Sci. Prod. 8(1) : 37-40.
16.Pathmashini, L., Arulnandhy, V. and Wijeratnam, W. 2008. Cultivation of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on sawdust. Cey. J. Sci. 37 : 177-182.
17.Ramirez, L., Larraya, L. M. and Pisabarro, A. G. 2000. Molecular tools for breeding basidiomycetes. Internatl. Microbiol. 3 : 147-152.
18.Shin, P. G., Oh, S. J. and Yoo, Y. B. 2006. Improvement of sporeless strain in oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus. J. Mushroom Sci. and Prod. 4(2) : 53-56.
19.Sung, J. M., Moon, H. W. and Park, D. S. 1999. Growth condition of liquid culture by Pleurotus ostreatus. Kor. J. Mycol. 27 : 1-9.
20.Yoo, Y-B., Kim, E-J., Kong, W-S., Jang, K-Y. and Shin, PG. 2012. Characterization of a new commercial strain 'Guseol' by intra-specific hyphal anastomosis in Pleurotus ostreatus. J. Mushroom Sci. Prod. 10(3) : 109-114.
21.Yoo, Y. B., Lee, S. C., Jung, W. S., Jang, K. Y., Kong, W. S., Cheong, J. C., Oh, S. J. and Jhune, C. S. 2008. Characterization of a new variety 'Chung' by intra-specific hyphal anastomosis in Pleurotus ostreatus. J. Mushroom Sci. Prod. 6(2) : 47-51.
22.Yoo, Y. B., Lee, S. C., Kim, E. J., Kong, W. S., Jang, K. Y. and Shin, P. G. 2009. Characterization of a new commercial strain 'Goni' by intra-specific hyphal anastomosis in Pleurotus ostreatus. J. Mushroom Sci. Prod. 7(3) : 130-134.
2.국립종자원. 2012. 신품종 심사를 위한 작물별 특성조사요령(느타리버섯). http://wwww.seed.go.kr.
3.유영복, 공원식, 오세종, 정종천, 장갑열, 전창성. 2005. 버섯과학과 버섯산업의 동향. 2005. 한국버섯학회지 3 : 1-23.
4.유영복, 유창현, 차동열. 1993. 원형질체 융합에 의한 느타리버섯속의 품종개발. 한국균학회지. 21(3) : 200-211.
5.이강효. 2008. 느타리 자실체 색소변이체와 감염바이러스의 성상. 한국버섯학회지 6(2) : 53-56.
6.홍범식, 김세진, 송치현, 황세영, 양한철. 1992. 느타리버섯 (Pleurotus sajor-caju) 재배를 위한 기질 및 재배방법의 개발. 한국균학회. 20 : 354-358.
7.농림축산식품부. 2013. 2012년 특용작물 생산실적.
8.Baldrian, P. Gabriel, J. and Pospisck, M. 1999. Improved isolated of nucleic acids from basidiomycetes fungi. Biotechniques. 27 : 458-460.
9.Bano, Z. and Srivastava., H. C. 1962. Studies on the cultivation of Pleurotus species on paddy straw. Food Science. 11 : 363-365.
10.Berry, D. R. 1988. Physiology of industrial fungi. Blackwell Scientific Publications, USA
11.Chang, S. and Miles, P. 2004. Mushrooms cultivation, nutritional value, medicinal effect, and environmental impact, 2nd edition. CRC Press, USA.
12.Chang, S. T., Buswell, J. A. and Chiu, S. W. 1993. Mushroom biology and mushroom products. Chinese University Press, Hong Kong.
13.Chang, S. T. and Quimo, T. H. 1982. Tropical mushrooms. The Chinese Press, Hong Kong.
14.Gharehaghaji, A. N., Goltapeh, E. M., Masiha, S. and Gordan, H. R. 2007. Hybrid production of oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq: Fries) Kummer. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 10 : 2334-2340.
15.Lee, B-J., Kim, Y-G., Kim, H-K., Yang, E-S. and Lim, Y-P. 2010. Studies on the development of mushroom media for bottle culture in new Pleurotus ostreatus 'Miso'. J. Mushroom Sci. Prod. 8(1) : 37-40.
16.Pathmashini, L., Arulnandhy, V. and Wijeratnam, W. 2008. Cultivation of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on sawdust. Cey. J. Sci. 37 : 177-182.
17.Ramirez, L., Larraya, L. M. and Pisabarro, A. G. 2000. Molecular tools for breeding basidiomycetes. Internatl. Microbiol. 3 : 147-152.
18.Shin, P. G., Oh, S. J. and Yoo, Y. B. 2006. Improvement of sporeless strain in oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus. J. Mushroom Sci. and Prod. 4(2) : 53-56.
19.Sung, J. M., Moon, H. W. and Park, D. S. 1999. Growth condition of liquid culture by Pleurotus ostreatus. Kor. J. Mycol. 27 : 1-9.
20.Yoo, Y-B., Kim, E-J., Kong, W-S., Jang, K-Y. and Shin, PG. 2012. Characterization of a new commercial strain 'Guseol' by intra-specific hyphal anastomosis in Pleurotus ostreatus. J. Mushroom Sci. Prod. 10(3) : 109-114.
21.Yoo, Y. B., Lee, S. C., Jung, W. S., Jang, K. Y., Kong, W. S., Cheong, J. C., Oh, S. J. and Jhune, C. S. 2008. Characterization of a new variety 'Chung' by intra-specific hyphal anastomosis in Pleurotus ostreatus. J. Mushroom Sci. Prod. 6(2) : 47-51.
22.Yoo, Y. B., Lee, S. C., Kim, E. J., Kong, W. S., Jang, K. Y. and Shin, P. G. 2009. Characterization of a new commercial strain 'Goni' by intra-specific hyphal anastomosis in Pleurotus ostreatus. J. Mushroom Sci. Prod. 7(3) : 130-134.