장기저장성 신품종 느타리버섯『곤지7호』육성 및 특성
Characteristics and breeding of a long-term storable oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) variety『Gonji-7ho』
(Received September 11, 2013 / Revised September 20, 2013 / Accepted September 23, 2013)
The oyster mushroom is a wide cultivar among cultivated edible mushrooms in Korea. But, due tothe excess of domestic production, the price has been falling. This study has been conducted to develope new varietyoyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus) which have a long term storage to export in foreign market as well as domestic.‘Gonji-7ho’, a new variety of oyster mushroom, for the bottle culture, was bred by mating with monokaryonsisolated from ‘Nongmin-59ho’ and ‘MT07156’. In the characteristics of fruit body, pilei were round type and grayand stipes were white color and soft. The fruit body growth was vital and uniform. When fruit-body was storedat 4 degrees after packing with plastic vinyl, storage period was extended 7 days longer than 28 day of chunchu-2ho. The yield was 166 g per a bottle(¢65, 900 ml)
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