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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.11 No.3 pp.137-144

양송이버섯 품종별 저장기간 및 온도에 따른 품질변화

오연이*, 장갑열, 전창성, 공원식, 유영복, 신평균, 서장선
농촌진흥청 국립특작과학원 버섯과

Quality changes in Agaricus bisporus varieties due to period and temperature during their storage

Youn-Lee Oh*, Kab-Yeul Jang Chang-Sung Jhune, Won-Sik Kong, Young-Bok Yoo, Pyung-Gyun Shin, Jang-Sun Seo
Mushroom Science Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, RDA, Eumseong 369-873, Korea
(Received September 11, 2013 / Revised September 24, 2013 / Accepted September 27, 2013)


This study was carried out to investigate storage stability of harvested mushroom in developed varietiesof button mushroom through identification of quality change during 35 days. The mushroom harvested upto 2nd flush mushroom was stored on different storage temperature(4, 7, 10℃) and weight, length, thickness, colorof pileus and stipe in fruit body was tested every 7 days. The morphological trait and color of stipe in fruit bodywere influenced by harvesting period and storage temperature. On the morphological traits of fruit body, mushroomharvested at 2nd flush showed smaller difference than those at 1st flush and mushroom stored at 4℃ indicatedmore difference than ones at the other temperature. Mostly color of pileus in brown button mushroom had lowerΔE (color difference) than white mushroom during storage period. The color of pileus of fruit body in white mushroomhad low ΔE at 4℃ whereas that of brown mushroom was low at 10℃. The safe period of storage basedon the L value is 7 days under a specified environmental condition. ‘Seolgang’ was stored for 14 days as goodquality of mushroom, ‘Saedo’ had best quality after harvesting and ‘Seojeong’ was most stable during storagechange in white mushroom varieties.


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