큰느타리(새송이)버섯 최적 생육습도 조건
Optimal relative humidity for Pleurotus eryngii cultivation
(Received September 9, 2013 / Revised September 15, 2013 / Accepted September 27, 2013)
The effects of fixed and variable relative humidity on fruiting body formation and characters of Pleurotuseryngii were investigated with normal and thinning treatment plots. In fixed relative humidity, as humidity was lower,period of harvest was longer as well as days for pinheading in the both of normal and thinning plots. In the normalplot, qualities of mushroom were 5.5, 5.8, and 6.3 and yield was 98.6 g per bottle for 90% relative humidity, it wasbest. In the thinning plot, qualities of mushroom were 7.7, 8.4, and 8.5 and yields were 102.1, 105.8, and 116.9 g at70, 80, and 90% respectively. In variable relative humidity with a thinning plot, the yield of P. eryngii on conditionI(>90% for 1 day → 85% until thinning(for about 11 days) → 80%) and III(>90% until pin-heading(about for a week)→ 85% until thinning(about for 5 days) → 80%) were 85.5 and 87.8 g per bottle, and qualities were 7.8 and 8.0 respectively.For long shelf life and a cultural control of bacterial soft rot disease, the condition I will be more largely adoptedby mushroom farmers.
- 0096-01-0011-0003-3.pdf977.4KB
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12.Lewinsohn, D., Nevo, E., Hadar, Y., Wasser, S. P. and Beharav, A. 2000. Ecogeographical variation in the Pleurotus eryngii complex in Israel. Mycol. Res. 104 : 1184-1190.
13.Rajarathnam, R., and Bano, Z. 1987. Pleurotus mushrooms. Part 1A. Morphology, Lifecycle, Tanxonomy. Breeding and cultivation. CRC Critical in Food Science and Nutrition. 26(2) : 157-222.
14.Synytsya A., Mkov K., Synytsya A., Jablonsk I., Spvek J., Erban V., Kovkov E. and opkov J. 2009. Glucans from fruit bodies of cultivated mushrooms Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus eryngii: structure and potential prebiotic activity. Carbohydrate Polymers 76 : 548-556.
15.Villaescusa R, Gil MI. 2003. Quality improvement of Pleurotus mushrooms by modified atmosphere packaging and moisture absorbers. Postharvest Biol Technol. 28 : 169-179.
2.고진복, 이충언. 2005. 새송이버섯이 고지방 식이를 급여한 흰쥐의 지질대사에 미치는 영향. 한국식품영양과학회지. 34(5) : 626-631.
3.김선영, 김민근, 임착한, 김경희, 박기관, 송원두, 류재산. 2012. 큰느타리(새송이)버섯 최적 생육온도 조건. 한국버섯학회지. 10(4) : 160-166.
4.농림부. 2012. 2011년 특용작물생산실적. 10 page.
5.류재산, 김민근, 송근우, 이상대, 이춘희, 노치웅, 이현숙. 2006. 큰느타리버섯의 품질기준에 관한 연구. 한국버섯학회지. 4(4): 129-134.
6.류재산, 김민근, 조숙현, 윤용철, 서원명, 이현숙. 2005. 큰느 타리 재배의 최적 CO2 조건. 한국버섯학회지. 3(3): 95-99.
7.장명준, 이윤혜, 김정한, 주영철. 2011. LED광원이 큰느타리 버섯 자실체의 발생, 생육, 에르고스테롤 함량 및 항산화활 성에 미치는 영향. 한국균학회지. 39(3) : 175-179.
8.정규식, 김우재, 장후봉, 차재순. 2003. PCR을이용한 느타리버섯재배사 물로부터 세균성갈색무늬병 병원균 Pseudomonas tolasii 검출. 한국버섯학회지. 1(1) : 28-33.
9.Forestry Agency of Japan (http://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/). (in Japanese).
10.Jin K.S., Kim J.J., Jeon. C.S., Lee, E.J., 1994. Characteristical differentiation on isolation and identification of mushroom bacterial brown blotch pathogens Pseudomonas tolasii and Pseudomonas agarici. RDA J. Agric. Sci. Crop. Prot., 36 : 343-348.
11.Kim M, Ryu J, Lee Y, Yun H. 2007. First Report of Pantoea sp. induced soft Rot disease of Pleurotus eryngii in Korea. Plant Disease. 91 : 109-109.

12.Lewinsohn, D., Nevo, E., Hadar, Y., Wasser, S. P. and Beharav, A. 2000. Ecogeographical variation in the Pleurotus eryngii complex in Israel. Mycol. Res. 104 : 1184-1190.

13.Rajarathnam, R., and Bano, Z. 1987. Pleurotus mushrooms. Part 1A. Morphology, Lifecycle, Tanxonomy. Breeding and cultivation. CRC Critical in Food Science and Nutrition. 26(2) : 157-222.
14.Synytsya A., Mkov K., Synytsya A., Jablonsk I., Spvek J., Erban V., Kovkov E. and opkov J. 2009. Glucans from fruit bodies of cultivated mushrooms Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus eryngii: structure and potential prebiotic activity. Carbohydrate Polymers 76 : 548-556.

15.Villaescusa R, Gil MI. 2003. Quality improvement of Pleurotus mushrooms by modified atmosphere packaging and moisture absorbers. Postharvest Biol Technol. 28 : 169-179.