가래나무(Juglans mandshurica) 톱밥의 첨가량이 느타리버섯의 수량에 미치는 영향
Yields of oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus) on addition rate of Juglans mandshurica sawdust
(Received December 9, 2013 / Revised December 20, 2013 / Accepted December 24, 2013)
This study was carried out to investigated optimum mixing ratio of Korean natural Juglans mandshuricausing as functional plants. Total nitrogen and carbon source of J. mandshurica was 0.21% and 46.0%, respectively andC/N ratio was 219. Total nitrogen source and pH of substrate mixed with J. mandshurica was 2.3~2.9 and 5.0, respectively.The contents of CaO, MgO and Na2O at J. mandshurica media were higher at harvest media than inoculationmedia. Mycelial growth was the fastest at J. mandshurica 20%, and slower by increase of J. mandshurica substrate. Yieldsof fruiting body show the highest to 163 g/850 mL of medium which are addition 10% of J. mandshurica sawdust, anddiameter and thick of pileus were the highest, too. The L value of pileus and stipes were increased by increase of J.mandshurica substrate, but there was no significant difference in the a-value and the b-value. The contents of P2O5 andK2O of fruiting body were increased at J. mandshurica substrate, but there was no significant difference in contents ofCaO, MgO and Na2O. The contents of Cu of fruiting body was decreased by increase of J. mandshurica substrate, butFe, Mn and Zn were increased.
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6.Jang. H. Y., Park, H. S., and Yoon, J. S. 2008. Substitute cheap supplements development for Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation using food by-product dried wastes. J. of Mushroom Science and Production. 6 : 126-130. (in Korean).
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8.Kim, J. H., Ha, T. M. and Ju, Y. C. 2005. Selection of an substitute cotton seed meal material in Pleurotus ostreatus by bottle cultivation. J. of Mushroom Science and Production. 3 : 106-108.
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12.Lee, C. J., Han, H. S, Jhune, C. S., Cheong, J. C., Oh, J. A., Kong, W. S., Park, G. C., Park, C. G. and Shin, Y. S. 2011. Development of new substrate using redginseng marc for bottle culture of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). J. of Mushroom Science and Production. 9 : 139-144. (in Korean).
13.Lee, C. J., Jhune, C. S., Cheong, J. C., Kong, W. S., Park, G. C., Lee, J. H. and Shin, Y. S. 2012a. Optimum mixture ratio of Lindera glauca for culture of functional oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus). J. of Mushroom Science and Production. 10 : 9-14. (in Korean).
14.Lee, C. J., Jhune, C. S., Cheong, J. C., Kong, W. S., Park, G. C., Park, C. G. and Shin, Y. S. 2012b. Characteristics of culture of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on addition rate of Cudrania tricuspidata. J. of Mushroom Science and Production. 10 : 129-135. (in Korean).
15.Lee, C. J., Jhune, C. S., Cheong, J. C., Moon, G. W., Kong, W. S., Suh, J. S., Park, G. C., and Shin, Y. S. 2013. Characteristics of culture of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on addition rate of Acer tegmentosum. The Korean Society of Mycology. 41 : 21-27. (in Korean).
16.Lee, H. D., Kim, Y. G., Han, G. H., Moon, C. S. and Hur, I. B. 1998. Bottle cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus and Agrocybe aegerita using agricultural by-product. The Korean Society of Mycology. 26 : 47-50. (in Korean).
17.Lee, Y. H., Cho, Y. J. and Kim, H. K. 2002. Effect on mycelial growth and fruit body development according to additives and mixing ration in pot cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in Korea. The Korean Society of Mycology. 30 : 104-108. (in Korean).
18.MFAFF, 2012. Actual yield of industrial product.
19.Park, G. S., Song, H. K. and Kwon, G. W. 2000. Biomass and net primary production of Betula platyphylla and Juglans mandshurica plantations in Chungju Area. Forest Science and Technology 89 : 249-255.
20.Royse, D. J. and Sanchez, J. E. 2007. Ground wheat straw as a substitute for portions of oak wood chips used in shitake(Lentinula edodes) substrate formulae. Bioresource Technolo. 98 : 2137-2141.
21.Won, S. Y., Lee, Y. H., Jeon, D. H., Ju, Y. C. and Lee, Y. B. 2010. Development of new mushroom substrate using kapok seedcake for bottle culture of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). The Korean Society of Mycology. 38 : 130-135. (in Korean).
22.Zadrazil, F. 1974. The ecology on industrial production of Pleurotus ostreatus, Plerotus florida, Pleurotus cornucopiae and Pleurotus eyngii, Mushroom Sci. 9 : 621-652.
2.Choi, G. P., Chung, B. H., Lee, D. I., Lee, H. Y., Lee, J. H. and Kim, J. D. 2002. Research Report : Screening of inhibitory activities on angiotensin converting enzyme from medicinal plants. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science 10 : 399-402.
3.Choi, S. H. 2000. Extraction and purification of physiologically active materials from Agaricus blazei fruting bodies. MS Thesis. So Gang University.
4.Gal, S. W. and Lee, S. W. 2002. Development of optimal culture media for the stable production of mushroom. J. Korean Soc. Agri. Chem. Biotechnol. 45 : 71-76.
5.Hong, J. S. 1978. Studies on the physio-chemical properties and the cultivation of oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus). J. of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry 21 : 150-184
6.Jang. H. Y., Park, H. S., and Yoon, J. S. 2008. Substitute cheap supplements development for Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation using food by-product dried wastes. J. of Mushroom Science and Production. 6 : 126-130. (in Korean).
7.Kim, G. T. 2004. Ecological forest management and reforestation problem-comparison of diameter increment of Juglans mandshurica between artificial and natural forest. Korean journal of environment and ecology. 17 : 309-315.
8.Kim, J. H., Ha, T. M. and Ju, Y. C. 2005. Selection of an substitute cotton seed meal material in Pleurotus ostreatus by bottle cultivation. J. of Mushroom Science and Production. 3 : 106-108.
9.Kim, S. W. and Kim, E. S. 1997. Studies on the immunomodulating effect of polysaccharide extracted from Ganoderma lucidum on macrophage. Korean J. Sci. Nutr. 26 : 148-153.
10.Kim, H. G., Kim, Y. G., Lee, B. J., Lee, B. C., Yang, E. S., and Kim, H. G. 2009. Studies on the development of mushroom mediums of Pleurotus eryngii using ginko leaf pomace. J. of Mushroom Science and Production. 7 : 163-167. (in Korean).
11.Lee, B. W., Lee, M. S., Park, K. M., Kim, C. H., Ahn, P. U. and Choi, C. U. 1992. Anticancer activities of extract from the mycelia of Coriolus versicolor. Korean J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 20 : 311-315.
12.Lee, C. J., Han, H. S, Jhune, C. S., Cheong, J. C., Oh, J. A., Kong, W. S., Park, G. C., Park, C. G. and Shin, Y. S. 2011. Development of new substrate using redginseng marc for bottle culture of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). J. of Mushroom Science and Production. 9 : 139-144. (in Korean).
13.Lee, C. J., Jhune, C. S., Cheong, J. C., Kong, W. S., Park, G. C., Lee, J. H. and Shin, Y. S. 2012a. Optimum mixture ratio of Lindera glauca for culture of functional oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus). J. of Mushroom Science and Production. 10 : 9-14. (in Korean).
14.Lee, C. J., Jhune, C. S., Cheong, J. C., Kong, W. S., Park, G. C., Park, C. G. and Shin, Y. S. 2012b. Characteristics of culture of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on addition rate of Cudrania tricuspidata. J. of Mushroom Science and Production. 10 : 129-135. (in Korean).
15.Lee, C. J., Jhune, C. S., Cheong, J. C., Moon, G. W., Kong, W. S., Suh, J. S., Park, G. C., and Shin, Y. S. 2013. Characteristics of culture of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on addition rate of Acer tegmentosum. The Korean Society of Mycology. 41 : 21-27. (in Korean).

16.Lee, H. D., Kim, Y. G., Han, G. H., Moon, C. S. and Hur, I. B. 1998. Bottle cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus and Agrocybe aegerita using agricultural by-product. The Korean Society of Mycology. 26 : 47-50. (in Korean).
17.Lee, Y. H., Cho, Y. J. and Kim, H. K. 2002. Effect on mycelial growth and fruit body development according to additives and mixing ration in pot cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in Korea. The Korean Society of Mycology. 30 : 104-108. (in Korean).

18.MFAFF, 2012. Actual yield of industrial product.
19.Park, G. S., Song, H. K. and Kwon, G. W. 2000. Biomass and net primary production of Betula platyphylla and Juglans mandshurica plantations in Chungju Area. Forest Science and Technology 89 : 249-255.
20.Royse, D. J. and Sanchez, J. E. 2007. Ground wheat straw as a substitute for portions of oak wood chips used in shitake(Lentinula edodes) substrate formulae. Bioresource Technolo. 98 : 2137-2141.

21.Won, S. Y., Lee, Y. H., Jeon, D. H., Ju, Y. C. and Lee, Y. B. 2010. Development of new mushroom substrate using kapok seedcake for bottle culture of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). The Korean Society of Mycology. 38 : 130-135. (in Korean).

22.Zadrazil, F. 1974. The ecology on industrial production of Pleurotus ostreatus, Plerotus florida, Pleurotus cornucopiae and Pleurotus eyngii, Mushroom Sci. 9 : 621-652.