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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.12 No.1 pp.63-66

팽이버섯의 핵형분석과 균주 사이의 핵형 다양성

이송희, 이미경, 김나리, 이창윤1, 이현숙*
경상대학교 미생물학과,
1그린피스 제 5농장

Electrophoretic karyotype of Flammulina velutipes and its variation among cultivars

Hyun-Sook Lee*, Song Hee Lee, Mi-Kyoung Lee, Na-Ri Kim, Chang-Yun Lee1
Department of Microbiology and Research Institute for Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Korea
1Korea Green Peace 5th Farm, 715-7 Haksanri, I-seomyun, Chungdogun, Gyeongbuk, Korea
Received February 14, 2014 , Revised February 21, 2014 , Accepted February 26, 2014


The karyotype of F. velutipes Korean cultivar, Fv 3-6, was compared with those of Japanese cultivars, Fv 0-1, Fv 1-5,Fv 11-1, by CHEF gel electrophoresis. The Korean cultivar, Fv 3-6, showed the difference from the three Japanese cultivars innumber and size of chromosomes; the Fv 3-6 had two and one more chromosomes then Fv 0-1 and Fv 11-4, and Fv 1-5 had,respectively. The karyotyping by CHEF gel electrophoresis is quite suitable to define new Korean cultivars against Japanesecultivars.

