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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.12 No.2 pp.127-131

큰느타리버섯 신품종 ‘새곤지’ 육성 및 특성

하태문*, 최종인, 전대훈, 지정현, 신평균1
경기도농업기술원 버섯연구소, 1농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 인삼특작부 버섯과

Characteristics and breeding of a new variety Pleurotus eryngii Saegonji

Tai-Moon Ha*, Jong-In Choi, Dae-Hoon Jeon, Jeong-Hyun Ji and Pyung-Gyun Shin1
Mushroom Research Institute Gyeonggi-Do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, 464-873, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
1Mushroom Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA,, 369-873, Eumseong, Republic of Korea
ReceivedMay 6, 2014, RevisedJune 27, 2014, AcceptedJune 28, 2014


We bred a new strain of Pleurotus eryngii having few number of fruit body per bottle. It’s name is ‘Saegonji’ and it wasbred by mating monokaryotic strain isolated from E12-176 and monokaryotic strain ‘aerini No.3’ in Mushroom Research Institute,Gyonggi province A.R.E.S. The characteristics of a new strain ‘Saegonji’ are as follows. The optimum temperature for mycelium growthwas from 23 to 26oC on PDA medium and those for the primodium formation and the growth of fruit body were about 15oC. Theperiod from spawn innoculation to harvesting required around 51 days at 20oC. The number of fruit body per bottle was 12.8 and itwas 9.3 less than ‘Keunneutari No.2’. The length was 135.8 mm. It was longer than ‘Keunneutari No.2’, The color of cap was whitegrey, while that of `Keunneutari No.2was grey. The yield was about 159 g per bottle(1100cc) and it was same as Keunneutari No.2.

