ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.13 No.3 pp.151-156
Varietal characteristics of cross-bred Cordyceps militaris ‘Dowonhongcho’
Cordyceps militaris is being studied and cultivated as a medicinal mushroom having many valuable biological andpharmaceutical activities. In the breeding of new C. militaris mushroom, single ascospores were isolated and examined theirmycelial growth, mycelial density, and production of stroma and perithecia. Among them selected isolates were crossed andhybrids were produced showing high quality fruiting bodies on artificial media. Mycelial growth rate of new strain‘Dowonhongcho’ was higher than that of better on ‘Yedang 3’ on SDAY at 10-25oC. The stromata of new strain were club-shaped and bright orange-red. Its height was 6.1 cm and the cordycepin content was 0.34% on average. The new strainshowed 9% higher yield than ‘Yedang 3’ with producing firmer fruit bodies. The optimum temperature for mycelial growthwas 22~25oC and the optimum temperature for stroma development was 18~22oC. Fruiting bodies were began to produce45 days later after inoculation. This new cultivar may serve as a valuable one for artificial cultivation and industrial-scaleproduction of C. militaris.