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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.21 No.4 pp.195-199

Inhibitory effects of 15 mushroom culture extracts on the growth of Alternaria alternata causing potato brown spot

Hyon Jin Park1, Ha Thi Kim Nguyen1, Sook-Young Park2, Jaehyuk Choi1,*
1Division of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Bioengineering, Incheon National University, Incheon 22012, Korea
2Department of Plant Medicine, Suncheon National University, Suncheon 57922, Korea
*Corresponding author E-mail :


The fungus Alternaria alternata, responsible for causing brown to black spotting on numerous fruits and vegetables globally, was identified in 2022 as the causative pathogen of brown spot disease in potatoes in Korea. In pursuing potential inhibitors against A. alternata growth, we evaluated 15 mushroom culture filtrates: eight from Trametes spp. and seven from Polyporus spp., known for their antibacterial and anticancer properties. Antifungal activity was assessed by exposing each filtrate to A. alternata on a paper disc. Four filtrates displayed inhibitory action against the fungus, albeit with mild effects. Our findings highlight the potential of Trametes and Polyporus fungi as emerging antifungal candidates, offering promise in preventing potato brown spots.

감자갈색잎점무늬병균(Alternaria alternata)에 대한 버섯 배양액 추출물 15종의 생장 억제 효과

박현진1, 누옌티김하1, 박숙영2, 최재혁1,*
1인천대학교 생명과학기술대학 생명과학부
2순천대학교 식물의학과



